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Saturday, December 12, 2009

You're Not Alone

Planet Earth. What is hidden beneath those two words? Well, obviously 7 billions of human beings. But what's often missing is the element of various life forms other than ourselves. Animals, insects, flowers or trees; from the giant elephant to the smallest cellular protozoans, all of these components merge into a unique puzzle called Life.

Look Around You
Humans conquered this bunch of rock, water and vegetation called planet thanks to one fundamental advantage they hold against the other beings - intelligence. There's a vital fact to realize though. We might be the best nature has offered so far, but forces of the nature must not be neglected.

What can man do against a hurricane? Would you be able to survive if there was another cold age? Go outside and try to challenge Sahara, fight your way through raining forests in Amazonia or you could just try to stop a tornado from ripping your home apart. Do you get what I mean? It is often ignored that we are still very dependent on our surroundings, regardless of our skill to adapt it.

Other Beings than Us
Have you ever met a lion, the king of animals? Have you witnessed his fierce look, tried how sharp his teeth are, how strong and fast he is? I doubt that you did, it's a tall story that you'd be reading this if you have. It's not just about the lion. There are lots of natural hunters who wouldn't have any problem in defeating human in a face to face combat, such as tiger, cheetah, panther, leopard and the list could go on.

We shouldn't take a lot of things for granted. When you go for a walk to the forest and you accidently step on ten ants, you'd probably consider it as no big deal. The fact is that you just "murdered" ten very organized and skillful beings who minded their own business. Make no mistake, this is no crazy and money targeted ecologic propaganda, it's about respect.

Respect Doesn't Hurt

Humans are the most evolved, hence they're the most valuable. No doubt about it, it's a common sense to choose one human over ten ants. But consider this: isn't there some sort of association between disregarding nature and other humans? I'll give you a hand - of course it is.

It starts with little things, like always. You walk across a field and a piece of paper fall from your pocket. You let it go, thinking that it's small and the field is big. That's true. On the other hand, the nature being a giant waste bin capable of magically vaporizing all of the less attractive by-products of our culture is not true at all.

Treat nature with respect
. It will be here forever while you will be gone in a century or so. Is it so hard to carefully pick the lady-bug and let it fly out of the window rather than simply smash it? Or to take the remainings of your lunch that would end in the toilet anyway and use them to feed the roaming cat you know is wandering around? These actions take mere minutes.

New Perspective
How can people hit it off when they tend to forget where did they come from? We are all products of nature. I'm not talking any spiritual crap, it's a simple fact. Throwing out plastic bottles, which will decompose for 500,000 years, is like you would kick your mother in the ass with a comment "Hey, it doesn't matter, you're big anyway!".

Next time you'll think you owe the world or you are never wrong, imagine yourself staying naked against a hungry cheetah. Respecting other life forms is the first step towards respecting each other. I'm not a fan of vegetarianism, just kill only when you really have to.

Planet Earth is not only ours
. We have been given the opportunity to govern it, but certain measures are in place in case we would misuse this responsibility. There are only several things we can't influence, Power of Nature is among them. Realizing what's beyond our control is the key to open our minds and recognizing what we can influence.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Leader or Loser?

People take all shapes and sizes. They are out there in various colors; nobody can find out how many types of personalities exist. If you ask for one distinctive variance, one key aspect of everyone's individuality; if you are interested what is most dividing, your answer is very simple - it matters not whether you are small or tall, it matters if you are a leader or a loser.

Quality Inside You
Jedi Knights from the Star Wars world used to "feel the Force". I would like to see all mankind to feel it's Force. This time it wouldn't have anything to do with midichlorians. It's a harsh way to say it, but the world today is full of losers. It it full of people who don't realize their potential and how can they influence the world.

Their reasons may differ; these might be religious, financial, social or whatever you fancy. There is one only question: Who Are You? Drop the act, drop what you've been told when you were little, forget all the stuff that's been forced upon your head and just think for a moment who you really are.

Earning The Respect
No doubt each of you have met at least one real leader. These people are very hard to miss. When leaders speak, all of the others listen. When leaders have an idea, it's always taken into consideration. Such leaders can get their hands on real power, because they can really influence people.

Some of them regretfully misuse this influence. Adolf Hitler, Josif Stalin and other monstrous dictators gave the world a perfect example how is it done the wrong way. It's been not long ago, only several decades, yet people tend to forget. Some of us don't realize which horrors were commited by Nazi and communists, how many people suffered and died.

To prove that there are good people,
Mahatma Gandhi or Henry David Thoreau stepped forward and gave a shining example how we should live. Though these man might be considered as good, their work is entirely useless. It will continue to be until we realize that what they was talking about is real. It is possible to be nice, it is possible to love and it is possible not to use violence.

Use Your Power
We live through our lives in order to survive them. 90% of the consumer society today consists of people who with more or less luck earn scraps of paper called money and we live through them to see another sunrise. What is the point in living happy 15-20 years of childhood and then spend the rest of your lifetime like a slave? Is there any at all? Of course not, if you look from this angle.

There is another angle though. It is composed of another society, it is constructed from strong individuals. These individuals are conscious, peaceful, persistent, in fact they are us in the future. How can I say that? It is impossible for our society to continue at the current pace. Morality, reason, justice, they all went for a long holiday.

Wake Up or Die in Vain
It is about time you realize what is going on. Don't be a slave, you don't have to. Be a man or a woman. Silence the voices telling you otherwise, they fail to see the truth. Become a leader. It is not hard, don't be afraid. You just have to live your life at the fullest. Make no mistake, I'm not talking about drinking your ass off, trying drugs, buying big cars or having tons of sex partners, not at all.

I'm telling you a story of another sunrise, but this one shall be different. Unlike all the others before, this will mark the new beginning. An era of losers will be gone; an era of leaders will be brought upon. Do you know how vast the universe is?

Imagine number 10. Now imagine number 1000. Now imagine one billion. Is it hard? Universe is billion times harder to imagine. It is so vast that we may seem insignificant, but that's a lie. The truth is, each of us can make a difference, each of us can pull the world forward,
if he wants to.

So, who do you want to be?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Freedom of Will

Do you know what is the most important quality in your life? Do you know which aspect of your life shouldn't be missing from your very childhood? Do you know which attribute was in opposite of the communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe? Yes, it was Freedom.

Natural Aspect
People are intelligent beings. They can analyze world around them through reason and logical implications. Animals make decisions based on their instincts and reflexes. We, humans, have one more characteristic - intellect. Unfortunately, sometimes our intelligence is fought by stupidity and hunger for power.

When people are forced to do something they do not like, their mood and enthusiasm are going down. Rapidly. I'm sure almost none of you can imagine what it is like. You could be banned from university, because your father wasn't a common moron. You could not travel wherever you wanted. You could not do anything that wasn't allowed by the regime.

Power of Freedom
We should realize that only our own decisions can make us happy. How many of you like the things you don't want to do? And quite an opposite question: How many of you like the things you want to do? It may seem apparent, but think about your current lives.

I am willing to bet $10 of my brother that most of you will not be satisfied. You may have the freedom to choose whatever occupation you want, that's fine. But let's approach it in an different angle. Does it really matter what job you have, if it still means that you have to spend more time working than with your family?

Mankind was always pulled forward by great minds which didn't have to take care about everyday banalities. Tell me, how many people don't have to worry how will their bills get paid this month? Only a fraction of our population.

Trap of the 21st Century

Imagine you don't have to work again, ever. All of your expenses, no matter how high, would be covered from a magic box. What would you do? Travel around the world? Buy a big car, nice house, fulfill your materialistic dreams? Ok, it could take like 5 years to do that. What would you do after?

Western society today is called consumer. It is based on consumption. Supposedly, if you have any spare time or money, you should feast it away. Most people do it this way, because they work hard all the time and they think they deserve some fun in return.

Sit Down and Think
Mankind went astray in his development yet again. 20 years after defeating the greatest enemy of freedom, communism, we find ourselves trapped in another problem: money obssesion. It is ridicoulous, really: why is there a social system where the majority of people is unhappy with their lives? Are you happy to live to work to live?

If the answer is yes, so be it. If the answer is no, do something about it. Instead of sitting on your hands, use the power of your mind. Talk to others, try to persuade them. Not by force, but by your personal strength. Do you think you are not strong enough? Why? Who told you that? Others? What can they know?

One last thought before I say good bye for now: If there is no freedom, there is no effort. Think about it. Use your intelligence or stay a dummy and blunt and live for nothing, only for what others tell you.