Do you know what is the most important quality in your life? Do you know which aspect of your life shouldn't be missing from your very childhood? Do you know which attribute was in opposite of the communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe? Yes, it was Freedom.
Natural Aspect
People are intelligent beings. They can analyze world around them through reason and logical implications. Animals make decisions based on their instincts and reflexes. We, humans, have one more characteristic - intellect. Unfortunately, sometimes our intelligence is fought by stupidity and hunger for power.
When people are forced to do something they do not like, their mood and enthusiasm are going down. Rapidly. I'm sure almost none of you can imagine what it is like. You could be banned from university, because your father wasn't a common moron. You could not travel wherever you wanted. You could not do anything that wasn't allowed by the regime.
Power of Freedom
We should realize that only our own decisions can make us happy. How many of you like the things you don't want to do? And quite an opposite question: How many of you like the things you want to do? It may seem apparent, but think about your current lives.
I am willing to bet $10 of my brother that most of you will not be satisfied. You may have the freedom to choose whatever occupation you want, that's fine. But let's approach it in an different angle. Does it really matter what job you have, if it still means that you have to spend more time working than with your family?
Mankind was always pulled forward by great minds which didn't have to take care about everyday banalities. Tell me, how many people don't have to worry how will their bills get paid this month? Only a fraction of our population.
Trap of the 21st Century
Imagine you don't have to work again, ever. All of your expenses, no matter how high, would be covered from a magic box. What would you do? Travel around the world? Buy a big car, nice house, fulfill your materialistic dreams? Ok, it could take like 5 years to do that. What would you do after?
Western society today is called consumer. It is based on consumption. Supposedly, if you have any spare time or money, you should feast it away. Most people do it this way, because they work hard all the time and they think they deserve some fun in return.
Sit Down and Think
Mankind went astray in his development yet again. 20 years after defeating the greatest enemy of freedom, communism, we find ourselves trapped in another problem: money obssesion. It is ridicoulous, really: why is there a social system where the majority of people is unhappy with their lives? Are you happy to live to work to live?
If the answer is yes, so be it. If the answer is no, do something about it. Instead of sitting on your hands, use the power of your mind. Talk to others, try to persuade them. Not by force, but by your personal strength. Do you think you are not strong enough? Why? Who told you that? Others? What can they know?
One last thought before I say good bye for now: If there is no freedom, there is no effort. Think about it. Use your intelligence or stay a dummy and blunt and live for nothing, only for what others tell you.