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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Can You Admit You May Be Wrong?

Let's begin with a simple question - what is the most important quality out there? Well, I might be wrong in describing this task as "simple". Each of you can have a different opinion; is it love? Or perhaps peace? What about respect or humour? There are indeed more than enough candidates. Today, we are going to talk about self-reflection.

"What a Dumbass"
In my country there is a saying: "Nothing is worse than running into a dumbass". Obviously, there is a major catch. Only a handful of people are willing to admit that they might be the worse partner in this meeting, not the other way around. Seriously, how many times in your life have you walked away from a discussion or with thoughts like "Oh my, I hope my stupidity didn't annoy him/her too much"?

There are so many things we can be wrong about that compiling a full list could probably take my whole life. I'm not planning to do so, let's name only a few topics:

Origin of the Universe.
How did your neighboor get so freaking hot girlfriend.
Did Atlantis exist?

Et cetera.

Where's the Truth
It's hard to say. If we don't stick to a topic with solid and general proofs like science, truth itself is often deformed and affected by personal opinions and views of the world. For example, is it true that 2+2 = 4? No doubt.

Here's another one: is it true that Megan Fox is a hot model? She is a supermodel, so the answer is probably yes, but I'd bet $10 of my father's money that there are quite a few poeple who would say she sucks.

Last question I'm about to ask you - is it true that we are the only intelligent life form in the Universe? Woops. It's a dead end. There is no evidence, no proof, only stories and wishes. On this day, 11th March 2010, no person on Earth can declare this statement either true or false. We can argue all we want, we can point fingers all we want, but in the end, somebody will be inevitably wrong.

Hate is for... Nothing!
To be honest, I am freaking sick of people who based their lifes on several facts and they are not willing to change that at any costs. Put forth all the evidence you can, they'll just deny it and tell their own story again and again. There is another saying: "You must be man enough to admit a mistake."

Do not hesitate to explore the world around you. There is so many information that even if someone dedicated his entire lifetime to learning, he'd not covered it all. You can not avoid being wrong many times in your life. This is a fact, equal to the one that everyone must die.

Take a step back and give it a thought. Having an open mind is a great asset to the society as a whole, because with open mind, there is progress; with progress, there is evolution and to tell you the truth, evolution is all that life is about. Would you like to be stuck in the same hut all your life, get up early in the morning and work the whole day on a field for someone who physically owns your life? No?

My point.